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Three Things | Ryan Main

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Description: 2-Part

Price:  $ 2.95 
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Three Things | Ryan Main
Endeavor Music Publishing


This product has a minimum order quantity of 10 copies.
It is important to remember: according to US copyright law, it is essential to purchase the exact number of copies given to your ensemble. Duplication beyond the purchased quantity is not allowed.

2-Part: TTH-2PT-1052
Written when poet Andrew Houston was a teenager, Three Things serves as a reminder of what matters most; through the changes and loss that life brings, we must make a choice, that above all else we will trust, love, and care.


Life is sacred
But not safe
One must trust
Two must love
Three must care
Though I’m young
I must say
My life will change
Soon some day
But till that day
I will do but three things
One must trust
Two must love
Three must care

by Andrew Houston