The Basics - Staff, Notes, and Rests |
1. The Musical Staff |
2. Notes and Rests |
3. Know Your Notes and Rests |
4. Note Values |
5. Rest Values |
6. Note and Rest Values |
7. Identifying Notes |
8. Identifying Rests |
9. Identifying Notes and Rests |
10. Notes and Rests Math |
11. Do You Know Your Notes and Rests? |
Rhythm |
12. How Many Quarter Note Beats in a Measure? |
13. How Many Half and Eighth Note Beats in a Measure? |
14. Barlines and Measures - Quarter Note Beat |
15. Barlines and Measures - Half and Eighth Note Beat |
16. Dotted Notes |
17. Counting Beats in a Measure I |
18. Counting Beats in a Measure II |
19 Add the Missing Note |
20. Add the Missing Rest |
21. Tied Notes |
22. Musical Equations |
Note Names |
23. Note Names - Treble Clef |
24. Note Names - Bass Clef |
25. Ledger Lines |
26. Sharps and Flats - Treble Clef |
27. Sharps and Flats - Bass Clef |
28. Sharps and Flats - Two Clefs |
29. Identifying Notes in the Treble Clef |
30. Identifying Notes in the Bass Clef |
31. Match the Notes - Treble Clef |
32. Match the Notes - Bass Clef |
33. Note Names - Treble and Bass Clef |
34. Know Your Notes in Two Clefs |
Key Signatures |
35. Major Key Signatures in the Treble Clef |
36. Major Key Signatures in the Bass Clef |
37. Major Key Signatures in Treble and Bass Clefs |
38. Know Your Key Signatures |
39. Note Naming with Key Signatures and Accidentals - Treble Clef |
40. Note Naming with Key Signatures and Accidentals - Bass Clef |
41. Accidentals in Treble and Bass Clefs |
Musical Symbols and Terms |
42. Know Your Musical Symbols |
43. Match the Musical Symbols and Terms |
44. Which Is It? Musical Symbols |
45. How Loud? How Soft? Dynamics |
46. Know Your Musical Dynamics |
47. How Fast? How Slow? Tempo |
48. Staccato, Accent, Fermata |
49. Dynamics, Accent, Tenuto, Marcato |
Time Signatures |
50. Time Signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 |
51. More Time Signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 |
52. Advanced Time Signatures |
Keyboard Identification |
53. Keyboard Identification - White Notes |
54. Keyboard Identification - White and Black Notes |
Musical Puzzles |
55. Unscramble the Musical Terms |
56. Word Search - Musical Terms in English |
57. Word Search - Musical Terms in Italian |
58. Word Search - Musical Tempo Terms |
59. Crossword - The Basics of Music |
60. Crossword - Musical Terms |
Answer Pages |