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Good Night, Dear Heart | Dan Forrest

Description: SATB

Price:  $ 2.75 
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Description: SSAA

Price:  $ 2.95 
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Description: TTBB

Price:  $ 3.20 
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Description: SATB Part-Dominant MP3 Bundle

Price:  $ 49.99 
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Description: SSAA Part-Dominant MP3 Bundle

Price:  $ 49.99 
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Description: TTBB Part-Dominant MP3 Bundle

Price:  $ 49.99 
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Good Night, Dear Heart | Dan Forrest
Hinshaw Music

Publisher ID:
SATB: 08764606
SATB: e-Print
SSAA: 08764864
SSAA: e-Print
TTBB: 08764870
TTBB: e-Print
SATB Part-Dominant MP3 Bundle: CT-2988
SSAA Part-Dominant MP3 Bundle: CT-2989
TTBB Part-Dominant MP3 Bundle: CT-2990

This product has a minimum order quantity of 10 copies.
It is important to remember: according to US copyright law, it is essential to purchase the exact number of copies given to your ensemble. Duplication beyond the purchased quantity is not allowed.

This stunning piece is based on a simple poem by Robert Richardson, inscribed on the headstone of the daughter of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), who died in her youth. Appropriate for any memorial occasion, the work is brief and understated yet powerful. A cappella with optional piano accompaniment. It will touch every listener deeply.